Client: This Is Rice / Marou
Project: Marou Box + Table R&D
Scope of Work: 3D R&D
Furniture Designer: Aprar Elawad
Senior Designer: Dan Keeffe
3D Designer: Tung Dinh
Together with Aprar Elawad and Dan Keeffee, at This Is Rice studio, we were assigned to work on a mini-project for Marou Chocolate by producing Marou toy boxes and Marou table which would be placed in Marou new store.
With the table design from Aprar, I started to explore the way to make it looks like a real one.
Marou Table final renders
Marou Table from the top view
We also tried to play with animation. Aprar wanted like a stop-motion video which we started to put each of the wooden slides on the table to make a Marou rectangular with its logo at the center of the table.
Stop-motion animation of Marou table
My treatment to replicate stop-motion effect is to export every steps to singles PNGs. It costed quite a lot of time in execution the idea. But, we loved it. It was kinda cool to see how we assemble the Marou table in real life.
A faster version of Marou table
We also decided to have a faster version of assembling Marou table. Like a normal animation done by computer. After we were all good with the task, I started to play a bit more with this Marou table, just to practice some 3D mograph and simulation.Marou table with soft-body simulation
Marou table with physic simulation (non-sense but fun)
Continue with Dan, we were assigned to play with Marou toy wooden boxes. So first of all, we had to transfer the 2D design to 3D.
3D model of Marou boxes
After some adjustments, we finally had the 3D boxes ready to play with. We started with still images first. So Dan wanted to have a lot of random Marou boxes on a white background, random sizes, random scale, random rotation and random design.Several options for layout of the image
After Dan’s request was done, we started to create some animation with the boxes. Just to experiment. Still images went first.Still images of playing with mograph inside Cinema4D
As always, playing with animation is the best part of the game. I started with one single Marou box first.
Marou box rigid body simulation
Marou boxes - a lot more
Marou boxes - Mograph
Marou boxes - Mograph
Marou boxes - Mograph
Marou boxes - Soft-body simulation
Although we decided not to use all of the material we developed, but it was a fun working process when we had a chance to explore our ideas.
Tùng Đinh
Tùng Đinh